South Dakota Supreme Court Broadens ‘Marsy’s Law’ in Dispute Over Victim’s Diary
The case involved interpretation of the state’s constitutional amendment providing crime victims’ rights akin those of criminal defendants.
Cases, Courts, and Constitutions Across the 50 States
Fifty Unique, Ever-Changing State Constitutions
A new resource from the State Democracy Research Initiative makes the current text of all 50 state constitutions available and searchable on one site.
Anti-Abortion Strategies Center on 19th Century Federal Law
Activists hope to set up a clash between the Comstock Act and state laws protecting abortion.
Are State Constitutional Clauses that Strengthen Gun Rights Relevant After Bruen?
States have continued to pursue amendments requiring strict scrutiny for gun restrictions even after the Supreme Court turbocharged the Second Amendment with an originalist approach.
Choice of Law in an Era of Abortion Conflict
When a citizen of an anti-abortion state travels to another state to receive the procedure, which state’s law should apply?
States and the Balance of Power
States — and their courts — quietly shape and check federal power.
Protecting Youth in the Criminal Justice System
A man sentenced to life in prison at 18 years old explains why state laws that funnel kids into the adult system are unjust and short-sighted.