About the State Court Report

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Recent federal rulings that have limited or eliminated rights under the U.S. Constitution have brought increased attention to state constitutions as important sources of rights. State constitutional questions cut across issues and ideological lines, from curbing partisan gerrymandering to protecting property rights.  

What’s been missing is a forum where experts come together to analyze and discuss constitutional trends emerging from state high courts, as well as a place where noteworthy state cases and case materials are easy to find and access. State constitutions share many common provisions, and state courts across the country frequently grapple with similar questions about constitutional interpretation.

Enter State Court Report, which is dedicated to covering legal news, trends, and cutting-edge scholarship, offering insights and commentary from a nationwide network of academics, journalists, judges, and practitioners with diverse perspectives and expertise. By providing original content and resources that are easily accessible, State Court Report fosters informed dialogue, research, and public understanding about an essential but chronically underappreciated source of law.

Our newsletter offers a deep dive into legal developments across the states. Our case database highlights notable state constitutional decisions and cases to watch in state high courts. Our state pages provide information on high courts and constitutions in all 50 states.

In addition, State Court Report supports and participates in symposia, conferences, educational training, and panels, and also partners with other organizations to disseminate and share information and research.

State Court Report is a project of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, which is a nonpartisan law and policy institute. The goal of State Court Report is to foster dialogue and commentary across a wide range of issues and perspectives about state constitutions. The opinions expressed by contributors to the site do not necessarily reflect those of the Brennan Center or State Court Report


State Court Report encourages understanding and informed dialogue about state constitutional development by featuring news, expert analysis, and resources about state constitutional cases across the fifty states.


State Court Report is a project of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. Numerous Brennan Center staff and consultants contribute to its content and operations.

Upcoming Event

Clerking on a State Supreme Court

Justice Melissa Hart , Judge Caitlin J. Halligan , Justice Goodwin Liu , Justice Melissa Long , Grace Spulak and Kathrina Szymborski Wolfkot
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A project of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law