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Massachusetts Protects the Right to Be ‘Rude’ in Town Meetings
“Peaceable and orderly” isn’t the same as “respectful and courteous.”
The Stakes in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Election
Abortion access, voting district maps, and executive powers all hang in the balance.
In the Education Culture War, Don’t Overlook State Constitutions
State provisions that commit states to ensuring democratic citizenship through education are promising tools to challenge illiberal education measures.
Scholarship Roundup: Reimagining Constitutions for the People
Scholars offer new ideas for boosting public participation in the construction and interpretation of state constitutions.
Stare Decisis in the Spotlight
North Carolina’s reconfigured supreme court will hear two recently decided democracy cases.
The Oldest State Court Makes a Case for Embracing Change
Massachusetts’s high court rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s narrow approach to determining fundamental rights in favor of a comprehensive analysis that considers evolving equality norms.
Using State Constitutional Protections to Improve Life Behind Bars
Rulings in Oregon and Utah offer a road map for other state courts.
Applying Federal Constitutional Theories to State Constitutions
Judges should reject calls to embrace a single method of constitutional interpretation.
Getting Comparative Law Right in State Courts
The Supreme Court used flawed legal comparisons in overturning Roe v. Wade. Looking forward, state judges must take context into account when engaging with other countries’ abortion laws.
School Funding Case Shows Challenges of Upholding Certain Rights in Court
An ideological shift on the North Carolina Supreme Court could upend a landmark decision in a long-running battle for adequate public education spending under the state’s constitution.