State Case Database
Search State Court Report's database of significant state supreme court decisions and pending cases. Download decisions and briefs for cases that develop state constitutional law. This is a selected database and does not include every state supreme court case. See methodology and "How to Use the State Case Database" for more information.
This database is updated monthly, although individual cases may be updated more frequently. Last updated comprehensively with cases decided through December 2024.
Featured Cases
SisterSong v. Georgia
Plaintiffs claim that abortion ban violates the state constitution’s right to liberty and privacy and guarantee of equal protection
Griffin v. State Board of Elections
A candidate for a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court, who lost by over 700 votes, claims that the state board of elections followed an incorrect process for registering voters and seeks in invalidate more than 60,000 votes.
City of Fargo v. State
Held that a 2023 statute barring localities from enacting ordinances related to the purchase, sale, or possession of firearms and ammunitions that are more restrictive than state law preempted the city of Fargo’s limits on such sales and did not violate state constitutional “home rule” clauses as applied to Fargo’s restrictions.
Lake v. Hobbs
Election denier Kari Lake claims her errors in the election process of her 2022 gubernatorial loss should result in vacating the results.
Bennett v. United States
Held that statute of repose barring medical malpractice claims after eight years violated privileges and immunities clause and access to justice guarantees
Black Voters Matter v. Byrd
Plaintiffs allege that the newly enacted congressional map is racially discriminatory and a partisan gerrymander in violation of the state constitution
State v. $2,435 in United States Currency
Held that right to a jury trial in a civil case applies to actions seeking to confiscate money under civil forfeiture statute
Latino Action Network v. New Jersey
Held that public education system was segregated within districts but did not find statewide segregation
Hoke County Board of Education v. State
State legislators are asking the court to find that the district court judge lacked subject matter jurisdiction when, on remand from the supreme court, he calculated how much certain education improvements would cost.
Wisconsin Property Taxpayers, Inc. v. Town of Buchanan
Concurrence would have held that the fee structure implemented by the Town of Buchanan's Transportation Utility Fee violated the Uniformity Clause of the Wisconsin Constitution
Brown v. Secretary of State
Held that a partisan gerrymandering claim raises a nonjusticiable political question
State v. Cohen
Held that automobile exception to warrant requirement does not allow for search of the trunk or engine compartment based only on the smell of marijuana from inside the car
Tallahassee v. Florida Police Benevolent Association
Held that Marsy’s Law does not allow a victim, including police officers, the categorical right to withhold their name from disclosure