• Case of Note

Texas v. Loe

Docket number

The Texas Supreme Court refused to block the ban on certain medical treatments for transgender minors, saying the state legislature had a rational basis for passing the law and that it does not improperly infringe on the rights of parents to make medical decisions for the children or on physicians’ abilities to treat patients. The court also said the law does not constitute sex discrimination and declined to treat transgender people as a protected class. A trial court had previously enjoined the law. 

Opinions, Briefs and other Documents

  • Opinion

Texas Supreme Court

  • Amicus Brief

Family Freedom Project - Amicus Brief

  • Party Brief

State of Texas - Reply Brief

  • Amicus Brief

Do No Harm - Amicus Brief

  • Party Brief

Loe - Brief

  • Amicus Brief

Family Research Council - Amicus Brief

  • Party Brief

State of Texas - Brief

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