Robert F. Williams
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus at the Rutgers University School of Law
Professor Robert F. Williams is the Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus at the Rutgers University School of Law. He is an expert in state constitutional law and the director of the Center for State Constitutional Studies at Rutgers. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Law of American State Constitutions, The New Jersey State Constitution, and State Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials.
Williams has been the legislative advocacy director and executive director of Florida Legal Services; an International Legal Center fellow in Kabul, Afghanistan; and a reporter for the Florida Law Revision Council’s Landlord-Tenant Law Project. In addition, he served as a legislative assistant to Florida Sen. D. Robert Graham, a staff attorney at Legal Services of Greater Miami, and a law clerk to Chief Judge T. Frank Hobson of the Florida Second District Court of Appeal.
Who Has the Authority to Prosecute People Accused of ‘Voter Fraud’ in Florida?
A Florida appellate court is set to determine whether a statewide office created in the 1980s by constitutional amendment to combat organized crime can prosecute someone accused of voting while ineligible.
Students and Parents Bring State Constitutional Challenges to Racial Segregation in Schools
Seventy years after Brown v. Board of Education, state constitutions may be the best path to desegregation.
State Constitutional Law After Dobbs and Bruen
Supreme Court rulings can expand or contract the space for state constitutional law.