Quinn Yeargain

Quinn Yeargain is an assistant professor at Widener University Commonwealth Law School. 


SCOTUS’s Review of Ban on Trans Health Care Highlights Need for State Litigation

Even if the U.S. Supreme Court decides that bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth are constitutional, state courts can strike down such laws under state constitutions.

Who Has the Authority to Prosecute People Accused of ‘Voter Fraud’ in Florida? 

A Florida appellate court is set to determine whether a statewide office created in the 1980s by constitutional amendment to combat organized crime can prosecute someone accused of voting while ineligible. 

Where Abortion Litigation in Georgia Stands

Last year the Georgia Supreme Court rejected one challenge to a six-week abortion ban, but additional state constitutional challenges continue to wind through the lower courts.

The Constitutionality of Stripping Elected Officials of Their Power

Ohio’s legislature passed a law that eliminates most of the state board of education’s powers, potentially violating the Ohio Constitution.

Challenging Anti-Trans Legislation Under State Constitutions

Though advocates have found early success in federal courts, they may find even more effective ways to protect LGBTQ+ rights through state courts.

Wisconsin Voters May Weaken Their Constitutional Right to Bail

Most state constitutions include a right to bail, but amendments have limited those rights over time.

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