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People v. Brown
Held that off-the-record juror challenges at sidebar conferences without defendant did not violate defendant’s constitutional right to be present at all stages of the criminal proceedings
Schroeder v. Simon
Ruled constitution’s prohibition on voting by a person convicted of felony did not automatically restore right upon release, statute restoring the right upon sentence discharge did not violate right to vote or equal protection
MeGee v. El Patio, LLC
Dissent would have held that the state constitution imposes a duty on a liquor licensee to refrain from selling or furnishing alcohol to an intoxicated person
Symposium: The Promise and Limits of State Constitutions
As the Supreme Court steps back on individual rights, state constitutions are filling the void. Do we fully understand their role and importance?
Will Voters Have the Final Say on Abortion Rights in Florida?
Lawmakers could undermine reproductive rights even if voters enshrine abortion protections into the state constitution.
Washington Food Industry Association v. City of Seattle
Allowed challenge to law granting hazard pay to food delivery workers during the pandemic to move forward under takings, contract clause, and police powers claims
A Conversation with Former Texas Chief Justice Wallace B. Jefferson
Jefferson spoke about judicial independence, the under-funding of courts, and the need for greater access to counsel.
In re New Hampshire Divison for Children, Youth & Families
Ruled that tolling provision must be read into statute of limitations of law governing tort claims against state agencies so as to comport with constitution’s equal protection guarantees to child plaintiffs
Using Appellate Decisions and Algorithms to Advance Judicial Transparency
A new report analyzes New York appellate decisions decreasing sentences in order to identify judges that frequently hand down unduly harsh punishments.
Camden County v. Sweatt
Ruled that electors’ referendum to repeal county resolutions to purchase property was constitutionally authorized under home rule provisions