South Dakota
South Dakota’s highest court is the South Dakota Supreme Court. The court has four associate justices and one chief justice. The justices on the supreme court elect the chief justice by majority vote. (Source: South Dakota Secretary of State)
Judicial Selection
The governor appoints South Dakota Supreme Court justices from a list provided by a judicial nominating commission. After at least three years on the court, a justice may stand for an eight-year term in an unopposed yes/no retention vote at the time of South Dakota’s next general election. Justices may stand for additional terms in the same retention process. To fill an interim vacancy, the governor appoints a judicial candidate from a list provided by a judicial nominating commission. There are no term limits. The mandatory retirement age is 70.
State Constitution
South Dakota’s first and only state constitution was adopted in 1889. As of January 1, 2024, it had 125 amendments. (Source: John Dinan, 2024)
Voters Across the Country Amend Their Constitutions
Through ballot measures, voters expressed policy preferences on issues including abortion, drug legalization, and same-sex marriage.
Voters in Seven States Pass Measures to Protect Abortion
Abortion-rights ballot measures failed in three other states, including Nebraska, where voters instead amended the constitution to limit abortion access.
2024 Ballot Measures to Watch
Voters will decide whether to amend their state constitutions with measures focusing on abortion, election procedures, minimum wage policy, and more.
A Rallying Cry Against Lockstepping
When state supreme courts peg their constitutions to federal interpretations, they erode the rule of law, undermine federalism, and limit rights protection.
To Prevent Chaos and Confusion, Judges Must Prepare for Election Emergencies
In advance of the election, judges should educate themselves on election administration and develop emergency response procedures that will enable creation of effective remedies.
When Does the U.S. Supreme Court Review State Court Decisions?
State courts have the final word on state law, but when federal law is involved, it can be complicated.
All Law Students Should be Educated About State Constitutions
Law professors planning lessons for the new academic year should consider incorporating state constitutions into the first-year constitutional law course.
State Courts Determine Whether Abortion Rights Amendments Will Go Before Voters
Cases in multiple states demonstrate the significant roles state judges play in the direct democracy process.