Alabama’s highest court is the Supreme Court of Alabama. The court has eight associate justices and one chief justice. Justices serve six-year terms and are selected by popular vote. (Source: Alabama Supreme Court; Alabama Constitution)
Judicial Selection
Justices on the Supreme Court of Alabama are elected to six-year terms through partisan elections, and they may seek additional terms through partisan elections. There is no limit on the number of terms a justice may serve. The governor fills interim vacancies when a seat opens before the end of a term. The appointed justice holds office until Alabama’s next general election more than two years after they were appointed. Justices may not be appointed or elected after age 70.
State Constitution
Alabama has had seven constitutions adopted between 1819 and 2022. As of January 1, 2024, had 0 amendments. (Source: John Dinan, 2024)
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Constitutional Amendment Processes in the 50 States
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Challenging Anti-Trans Legislation Under State Constitutions
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The Racist History of State Constitutions Taking Voting Rights from People Convicted of Crimes
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Get to Know Your State's 'Baby Ninth Amendment'
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Voters Amend State Constitutions to Enshrine New Rights
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Scholarship Roundup: Lessons for Evaluating State Constitutional History
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